CW recalls that JF gave JS a pistol in Carthage, which he gave to HS when CW gave him another pistol.
Historian’s Office, Martyrdom Account, Draft, page 43, The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed August 11, 2021
It was a providential circumstance getting the pistol into the prison, as every <most> other persons who had previously entered had been very rigidly searched. Joseph then handed <the> single barrel pistol (which had been given him by John S. Fullmer who passed the guard with it concealed in the top of his boot to his brother Hyrum and said "you may have use for this". Brother Hyrum observed "I hate to use such things, or to see them used." "So do I", said Joseph "but we may want <have> to help the guard defend the prison ourselves"; upon this Hyrum took the pistol.