Kathy Erickson claims that in 1978 the federal government threatened loss of tax exemptions unless it allowed Black members full membership.
Kathy Erickson, "Gainful revelation," The Salt Lake Tribune, March 11, 2001, AA2, accessed September 9, 2022
In reference to the letter from Greggory Wood (Forum, March 1), ease up, Brother Wood. What's done is done. There no longer is any prejudice against blacks in the Mormon church, the power of money took care of that. Back in 1978 the federal government informed the LDS Church that unless it allowed blacks full membership (including the priesthood) they would have to cease calling themselves a non-profit organization and start paying income taxes.
On $16.5 million a day in tithing alone that's a lot of tax monies that could be better used in building up the Kingdom of God.
The church immediately saw the error of its ways and the brethren appealed to God for a revelation; it came quickly. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform, and today The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has nothing but love for all races of people on Earth.
Salt Lake City