LaMar Williams describes instruction received by David O. McKay and other church leaders prior to beginning his assignment as "Presiding Elder of Nigeria."
LaMar S. Williams, Journal, 1960 December-1965 November, January 11, 1963, Church History Library, MS 82, accessed October 21, 2022
Friday, January 11, 1963
This morning at approximately 9;00 A.M. I met with President David O. McKay, President Mark E. Petersen, and former <Pres.> N . Eldon Tanner of the West European Mission in President McKay's Office to discuss matters pertaining to the Nigerian Mission. President Petersen is leaving for London next Monday morning, January 14, 1963, at 7:50 A.M. As soon as my visa is approved, I am to depart from New York with the two couples assigned to Nigeria, Brother and Sister Forrest O. Goodrich and Brother and Sister Urban Gail Bench for London and will spend two or three days with President Petersen in discussing the organization of the Church in Nigeria. President McKay stated that my position was to be "Presiding Elder of Nigeria" since there has not been a mission established in that area.
It was decided that the letter "C" be placed on the membership card of each baptized member to designate them as colored. This is to be universal throughout the Church. It was suggested that Aba [a city in Nigeria] be at least the temporary headquarters of the Church in Nigeria. President Tanner also indicated that the area be divided up into districts to be presided over by an Elder who would be called the District President, and that local heads (leaders) of groups will be recognized by us and we will probably call them District Group Leaders and Branch Group Leaders or Branch Leaders. It was discussed and approved by President David O. McKay that the Group Leaders and other officiating persons be set apart by the laying on of hands and that this would not be misconstrued with the ordination of the Priesthood. The Sacrament is to be administered to by the Elders and certain male members of the congregation not holding the Priesthood are to be permitted to pass the Sacrament to the congregation as though they were Deacons. President Tanner recommended that as soon as children are baptized members into the Church they are to be thoroughly trained in the· principles of the Church and also made to realize why they cannot hold the Priesthood (the male members), when they reach the age of 12 even though white members of the Church in their area are permitted to be ordained as boys into the Aaronic Priesthood. Intermarriage of races is to be discouraged and the members specifically taught that they should refrain from marrying out of their race to insure their happiness.
We will not baptize large numbers to begin with but will follow a program of careful instruction and only baptize those who show a willingness to be substantial faithful members of the Church. . . .
At the conclusion of the meeting, Brother George Scott of the Deseret News met with President McKay, Brother Peterson, and Brother Tanner, ahd it was decided to make a short public announcement through the newspaper relative to the missionary work in Nigeria. . . .
At the conclusion of our meeting, President McKay assured us that it was the will of the Lord that this work done among the colored people. He said, "Brethren, this is the will of the Lord that this work be done.".