Elder Carlos E. Asay informs the two missionary couples serving in Nigeria and Ghana that men who are living in polygamy should not be baptized.
Carlos E. Asay, Letter to Rendell and Rachel Mabey and Ted and Janath Cannon, 5 March 1979, Edwin Q. Cannon papers, Church History Library, MS 21299, Box 1, folder 2 (closed to research); rep. D. Dmitri Hurlbut, "The LDS Church and the Problem of Race: Mormonism in Nigeria, 1946–1978," The International Journal of African Historical Studies 51, no. 1 (2018): 1–16
It would not be appropriate at this time to baptize any persons who have more than one wife. This is a policy matter and can be changed only by the First Presidency and the Twelve. When and if there is any change in this policy, you will be promptly notified.