Julian M. Sanders writes a letter to Ezra Ezra Taft Benson citing Benson and David O. McKay in support of his opposition to a holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Julian Sanders, Letter to Ezra Taft Benson, October 1, 1989. Copy obtained courtesy of Matthew L. Harris, accessed December 10, 2022
Julian M. Sanders
2113 E. Minton Drive
Tempe, Arizona 85282
1 October 1989
50 East North Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
"Neutrality" not maintained by L.D.S. spokesman
Dear and Beloved Prophet:
A good share of Arizonans rightly understand the truth about Martin Luther King, Jr. Many shared your concerns as quoted in U.S. News and World Report, 30 November 1964:
The man who is generally recognized as the leader of the so-called civil rights movement today in America is a man who has lectured at a Communist training school, who has solicited funds through Communist sources, who hired a Communist as a top-level aide, who has affiliated with Communist fronts, who is often praised in the Communist press, and who unquestionably parallels the Communist line. This same man advocates the breaking of the law and has been described by J. Edgar Hoover as 'the most notorious liar in the country.' --Ezra T. Benson
All well-informed members of THE CHURCH are familiar with and hold as sacred (mind and will of the Lord for His Church and for the whole world, if they will receive it) the official declarations of the FIRST PRESIDENCY regarding Communism:
Communism being thus hostile to loyal American citizenship and incompatible with true Church membership, of necessity no loyal American citizen and no faithful Church member can be a Communist.
We call upon all Church members completely to eschew Communism. The safety of our divinely-inspired Constitutional government and the welfare of our Church imperatively demand that COMMUNISM SHALL HAVE NO PLACE IN AMERICA'"--First Presidency, 1936, E-39:488
President David O. McKay put it in simple terms which apply more today than ever before:
We are placed on this earth to work . . . It is our duty to strive to till the earth, subdue matter, conquer the globe, take care of the flocks and herds. It is the government's duty to see that you are protected in it, and NO OTHER MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO DEPRIVE YOU OF YOUR PRIVILEGES (fruits of your labors). BUT IT IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S DUTY TO SUPPORT YOU . . . I shall raise my voice as long as God gives me sound or ability, against the Communistic (socialistic) idea that the government will take care of us all, and that everything belongs to the government (state or community) . . . It is wrong! NO WONDER, IN TRYING TO PERPETUATE THAT IDEA, THAT MEN BECOME ANTI-CHRIST . . . No government owes you a living. You get it yourself by your own acts---never by trespassing upon the rights of your neighbor, never by cheating him (employer included). You put a blemish upon your character when you do.'---CN-2/14/53
The above principles apply to the entire human race---all mankind without exception. M.L.K., Jr., put himself and his cause above God, above God's laws---the Ten Commandments and the U.S. Constitution---in demanding the power of Government to REDISTRIBUTE THE WEALTH OF OUR NATION via GUARANTEED ANNUAL INCOME, LOW-COST HOUSING, NEGATIVE INCOME TAX, and what he called 'some form of socialism' to guarantee equality and justice (like Karl Marx philosophized via Communism).
CONCLUSION: After 30 years of observing and studying the life and works (fruits) of M.L.K., Jr., in the light of President McKay's declarations re: above, I can honestly know that he exceeded Lucifer in his ability to deceive the masses with impressive oration and dedication in spite of his addiction to alcohol, tobacco and sex. Regarding the latter lifestyle of adultery, Rev. King confessed:
I'm away from home twenty-five to twenty-seven days a month. (Extramarital sex is) a form of anxiety reduction.'--"Bearing the Cross," p. 375, by David Garrow
As such, Martin Luther King, Jr., was a liar, adulterer and thief (exemplified by his demand for 'a guaranteed annual income of $4,000 for every American adult'--M.L.K., repeated and lobbied for during 1967-8), which plainly puts him into the category of 'anti-Christ,' according to President McKay.
OPPOSITION TO A TAX-PAID KING HOLIDAY has been long and consistent in Arizona from all but the liberal elements. Recently the pressure was applied on the State Legislature in the form of ECONOMIC BLACKMAIL: $200 million lure a SUPER BOWL (Pro-Football backers), in conjunction with other political compromises turned around enough moderates to get a KING DAY measure through both houses. Even so, all the L.D.S. Legislators remained loyal opponents along with the staunchly conservative Republicans in both houses. The ARIZONA LAW MAKERS with TRUE PRINCIPLES did NOT respond to the ECONOMIC BLACKMAIL. However, on 24 September 1989, the MESA TRIBUNE ran an article on A7, titled:
CHURCH LEADERS PRAISE NEW KING HOLIDAY, DESPITE CIRCUMSTANCES.' (In the second half of the article, quoting various religious leaders, is the quote which represents THE LORD'S TRUE CHURCH in the same chorus, singing praises for the HONORS OF MEN,' adding to the MYTH OF THE AGES AND DECEPTION of every 'nation, tongue and people.' They fit the confusion of BABYLON):
Mesa's John Lyons, Arizona spokesman for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said, 'I personally view it, and the Church probably would as well, as another part of the political process. IN THE COLLECTIVE WISDOM OF THE LEGISLATURE, THEY SEEMED TO HAVE FELT IT WAS THE THING TO DO AND OBVIOUSLY WE WOULD SUPPORT IT.
Here, Brother Lyons would have us believe that the CHURCH obviously supports the prostituted moderates and liberals who united in 'collective wisdom' to force upon us a TAX-PAID HOLIDAY honoring the MASTER DECIEVER of the ages! Is this the true position of the CHURCH? What happened to the NEUTRALITY in politics? Where is the wisdom and courage of the HONORABLE EZRA TAFT BENSON?
. . . [T]hey have all gone astray save it be a FEW, WHO ARE THE HUMBLE FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST; nevertheless, THEY ARE LED, that in many instances THEY DO ERR BECAUSE THEY ARE TAUGHT BY THE PRECEPTS OF MEN.' ---2 Nephi 28:14
If Brother Lyons wants to be led by 'the collective wisdom' of a prostituted legislature and support their tyranny, that is his privilege. However, I will stand with President David O. McKay and Elder Ezra Taft Benson as quoted above. Brother Lyons has lost credibility with the most loyal, conservative Saints here. He stands tall in the community of liberals!
Faithfully your Brother,
Julian M. Sanders
Note that the quote by Ezra Taft Benson cited as appearing in the U.S. News and World report actually appeared in Benson's book, An Enemy Hath Done This, p. 310. The statement by J. Edgar Hoover characterizing King as "the most notorious liar in the country" is from US News and World Rport.