Joseph LeMoine Jensen criticizes the Church for lifting priesthood and temple restrictions.
"LDS Soon to Repudiate A Portion of the Pearl of Great Price," Salt Lake Tribune, July 23, 1978, 16
There are still a few valiant, uncompromising men, within and without the official Church, whose integrity leaves no room for changing the doctrines and ordinances, breaking the everlasting covenant, or for presuming to bestow blessings out of session. These faithful few, under God's direction, shall redeem Zion, build up the kingdom upon the earth and usher in the Millennial reign of Christ. As we said in the beginning, it appears by the June 9th action of the L.D.S. Church, that The Pearl of Great Price, or a portion of it, is about to be repudiated, as are the Church's founding prophets whose words are in harmony with the volume of scripture. We repeat the question: Will the Latter-day Saints remain true to their former revelations or will they yield to the pressures of this crucial day? Where do you stand?