Oscar W. McConkie Jr. describes circumstances and includes certificate of recognition for the Church in Zaire.
Matthew K. Heiss and Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Oscar W. McConkie Jr. interview, July 18, 2019, OH 13211, pp. 14-16, 27, Church History Library
[Transcription of excerpt from Oscar W. McConkie, Jr. interview]
We went to see the president. . . . And he saw in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—which he had seen in the United States, and had this very high view of what we were—he thought all of this would help him. Sure, he had a hidden agenda. It didn’t make the slightest bit of difference. It was a huge help to us. . . .
[t]his was a huge thing because members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were meeting with the heads of state here in Africa, and this was a big news media, all of which was helpful to us in the long run. It didn’t make any difference initially in our work, but in the long run it helped us.
[Translation of excerpt from the French document of recognition by B. H. Roberts staff:]
The State Commissioner of Public Health and Social Affairs;
In view of the Constititution of the Republic of Zaire;
In view of the decree of 18 September 1965 concerning non-profit Associations;
In view of the Statute No. 86-117 of 12 April 1986 granting civil recognition of the Association of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Zaire;
In view of the application requesting recognition introduced by the president of the said Association who agrees to conform to the requirement of the law no. 81-00018 of 10 November 1981 completing and modifying the ministerial law 0043 of 10 January 1967 fixing the conditions for recognition and the reglementation of non-profit organizations;
In view of the departmental law no. 81-0018, especially the first and second articles;
On the proposal of the General Coordinator of Social Affairs;
First Article: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Zaire is recognized as a non-profit Association.
Article 2: This law enters into force at the date it is signed.
Signed in Kinshasa, 22 Sep. 1987
Knight of the National Order of the Leopard.