James Jones and Derek Knox begin hosting a podcast celebrating diversity in Latter-day Saint culture.
James Jones and Derek Knox, About the show, April 2019, accessed September 5, 2022
Beyond The Block
Centering the marginizlized in Mormonism
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Brother Jones and Brother Knox describe themselves as staunch advocates for the theology and harsh critics of the culture when it comes to Mormonism. A black life-long member and queer convert respectively, they bring a less heard perspective to the notoriously white and heteronormative faith. They feel their desire for justice, love, and salvation for all people, regardless of color, sex, orientation, and other identities is not only consistent with the message of Christ, but *is* the message of Christ. In that spirit, they share their thoughtful, honest, and occasionally raw and humorous take on Mormonism in an effort to shift the culture of Mormonism more into alignment with the theology of Mormonism.
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