LaMar and Nyal Williams report how they were called to serve as missionaries in Nigeria.
LaMar S. Williams and Nyal B. Williams Interview by Gordon Irving, May 6, 1981, 49–50, James Moyle Oral History Program, MS 200 692, Church History Library
I: We've come up to the time now where you received your mission call to go to Nigeria. Did you seek out that call, did you let the Brethren know you were available, or how did that come?
W: One Sunday up in our ward, the Eighteenth Ward, Ted Cannon was at church and he said, "LaMar, you know a lot of people over in Nigeria."
I: This was after he had come back?
W: A short time after he had come back. They were looking for someone to take their place when they came back. They needed missionaries over there. Frank Martin was already over there, in Enugu, and they were selecting four additional couples to go over there. So Ted came to me and asked me if I'd be willing to go. He said, "This is not a call. I'm just feeling you out, being the executive secretary of the International Mission. If you received a call, would you go? Would you be able to go?" And I said, "Why certainly."
This must have been in December. Two or three weeks later he saw me again at a stake priesthood meeting and asked me again if we were prepared to go and how soon we could go if we were called. Then we received a letter shortly after that from President Kimball calling us to go. And they asked us to get ready as soon as we could.