Leroy Duncan notes David O. McKay lifting "black until proven white."
Leroy Duncan, Journal, January 17, 1954, MS 18062, CHL
Another day I hope I will always remember. Conference was in Cape Town. Everyone that attended the meetings said how thrilled they were to meet Pres. McKay. After morning session Pres. McKay called a special meeting of all the missionaries and announced a new policy regarding the ordination to the Priesthood. It will no longer be necessary to trace the ancestry out of Africa before they can be ordained. I felt that would be a great blessing to the mission. I believe the mission will grow faster because of this ruling. Pres. McKay told me that he felt the impressions he had received had come from the right source, and that he knew he had given us correct instruction. Many of the Saints told me after the evening meeting that Pres. McKay's visit was more than they ever expected and that they knew he was a Prophet.
The original journal is not accessible for public consumption; however, a typescript (included as a scan above) is available upon approval from the Church History Library.