Eleanor Knowles summarizes and quotes Elder Howard W. Hunter's account of the experiences surrounding the priesthood revelation.
Eleanor Knowles, Howard W. Hunter (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1994), pp. 234–236
Prior to the day the revelation was received, President Kimball talked at length, over a period of several months, with the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve as a group and individually. Elder Hunter noted in his journal one such occasion when the prophet invited him to his office and they discussed the subject for about an hour. " I could feel his deep concern and his desire to follow strictly the will of the Lord," he said. . . .
"Following the prayer," Elder Hunter wrote, "there were many expressions of love and appreciation among the brethren. Comments were made about the feeling shared by all, that seldom, if ever, had there been greater unanimity in the council."
After the written copy of the revelation was read to the brethren the following week, Elder Hunter wrote that "there were expressions from several of the brethren about the powerful witness of the Spirit last Thursday, and how this confirmed the divine origin of the revelation." The next day--Friday, June 9, 1978--the document was read to all of the General Authorities at an early-morning fast meeting, "a highly spiritual meeting with much emotion and some tears, and the brethren expressed love for all of God's children and bore testimony that President Kimball is a Prophet of God. This is a meeting we will never forget."