Church News shares comments of Monroe Fleming and other Black members about the announcement of the priesthood revelation.
Priesthood News Evokes Joy, Church News 48, no. 24, (July 17, 1978): 3–5
Monroe Fleming, an active member in the Valley View 4th Ward, Salt Lake Valley View Stake, said, "I shouted for joy. We have had numerous calls from important people. This seems to be the thing the Lord has prepared."
Brother Fleming has been a member of the Church since 1956. "The gates are down," he said. "It is up to me to build my life up so that I will be worthy to enter."
Brother Fleming, who has been a popular speaker at firesides for several years, said that he will continue to do the kind of missionary work that he has been doing. . . .
Jerry Cahill, a spokesman for the Church, said that the news of the announcement has generated favorable comments from many areas.
Sixteen telephone lines rang constantly in his office for three hours. Some of the calls were to confirm that the news was true and other calls were from those expressing their happiness.
He said that some, hearing that the news reports were accurate, broke down and cried in happiness.