Joseph commanded by angel to use water not wine for sacrament.
Oliver B. Huntingon, History of the Life of Oliver B. Hungtington 1878-1900, p. 10; typescript
Robert Thompson was a faithful just clerk for Joseph Smith the Prophet in Nauvoo and had been in his office steady near for quite 2 years Joseph said to Brother Thompson one day, "Robert, I want you to go and get on a buss (bing) go and get drunk and have a good spree; if you don't, you will die." Robert did not do it. He was very pious exemplary man and never guilty of such an impropriety as he thought that to be. In less than two weeks he was dead and buried. Wine was used at the Sacrament in Kirtland and one Saturday Joseph the Prophet sent someone to the store to buy wine for the next day. Joseph started then to go home and on the way an angel of God met him and told him to buy no more wine of the enemies for the Sacrament, but use water, until they should make wine new themselves for their enemies would try to kill the saints with poison in wine.