Pratt briefly articulates a rationale for a priesthood ban.
Meeting Minutes, April 25, 1847, Church History Library
We want the pure in heart to go with us over the mountains. if people want to follow Strang go it want to follow this Black man who had got the blood of Ham in him which linege was cursed as regards the Priesthood want to follow a new thing hatch it up.
Note that Pratt's language paraphrases Abraham 1:26–27, which states: "In the days of the first Patriarchal Reign, even in the reign of adam, & also Noah his father, who blessed him with the blessings of the earth. & <with> the blessings of wisdom,— but cursed him as pertainig to the Priesthood, Now Pharaoh being of that lineage, by which he could not have the right of Priessthood, notwithstadig the Pharaoh’s would fain claim it from Noah, through Ham."