Popol Vuh makes reference to shields and corn among the Quiché Maya.

Popol Vuh

Popol Vuh: The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings (trans. Dennis Tedlock; New York: Touchstone, 1985), 183

Popol Vuh
Reading Public

In this way it came about that people were cut open before the gods. The shields of war were made then; it was the very beginning of the fortification of the citadel at Bearded Place. The root of fiery splendor was implanted there, and because of it the reign of the Quiché lords was truly great. They were lords of singular genius. There was nothing to humble them; nothing happened to make fools of them or to ruin the greatness of their reign, which took root there at Bearded Place.

The penance done for the gods increased there, striking terror again, and all the tribes were terrified, small tribes and great tribes. They witnessed the arrival of people captured in war, who were cut open and skilled for the splendor and majesty of Lord Noble Sweatbath and Lord Iztayul, along with the Greathouses and the Lord Quichés. There were only three branches of kin there at the citadel named Bearded Place.

And it was also there that they began feasting and drinking over the blossoming of their daughters. This was the way the ones they named the “Three Great Houses” stayed together. They drank their drinks there and ate their corn there, the payment for their sisters, payment for their daughters. There was only happiness in their hearts when they did it. They ate, they feasted inside their palaces.

BHR Staff Commentary

On ibid., 320 we read:

ate their corn: The verb here is wech, which refers specifically to the eating of foods made of corn, and what I have translated “corn” is wa, which refers to these same things, primarily to tamales (which are often made of nothing but corn dough in Guatemala).

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