Nauvoo Lodge minutes records the initiation of Joseph and Sidney Rigdon as Entered Apprentice Masons.
Freemasons; Nauvoo Lodge (Illinois), Freemasons minutebook, MS 3436, Church History Library
"City of Nauvoo, March 15, 1842
Know all ye brethren to whom come these presents, that I, Abraham Jonas, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois, in virtue of the power and authority in me vested as Grand Master aforesaid, do hereby, by these letters of dispensation, authorize the Brethren of Nauvoo Lodge under dispensation, to receive the petitions of Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, and act on the same instanter—and should the ballot be unanimous, in favor of said Smith and Rigdon, at a full meeting of said Nauvoo Lodge—then, in that case, the said Lodge is authorized to confer the three several degrees of Ancient York Masonry, on the said Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, as speedily as the nature of the case will admit—Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed as authority by the said Nauvoo Lodge for violating any of the ancient land mark of the order, or of acting contrary to the provisions of their by-laws—except in the case herein authorized—
Given under my hand—as Grand Master, the day and date above named—
A. Jonas G. M. P. L. Ill."
Petitions were then presented from Joseph Smith, and Sidney Rigdon, the persons above named, and on motion the Lodge proceeded to the ballot in each case separately in order of Record— the ballot was found clear, and they were duly initiated Entered Apprentice Masons. The Lodge was then closed, to stand closed until tomorrow at 9 o'clock
John C. Bennett, Secretary