William Clayton records the formation of the "new church" led by William Law and other "dupes" who "had been cut off from the Church" that claimed Joseph was a "fallen prophet".

Apr 28, 1844
Personal Journal / Diary
William Clayton

"Journal, December 1842–June 1844; Book 4, 1 March–22 June 1844," p. [102], The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed December 12, 2022

William Clayton
Hyrum Smith, John Scott, Wilson Law, William Law, Francis Higbee, William Clayton, Austin Cowles, Robert D. Foster, James Blakeslee, Charles Ivins, Joseph Smith, Jr.

Sunday April 28— 1844— At home—

Hyrum [Smith] Preached at the stand A M

There was a meeting at Gens Wm. & Wilsons Laws— near the saw mill— of those who had been cut off from the church & their dupes— Several affidavits were taken and read against Joseph and othe[r]s— Wm Law. Wilson Law. Austin D Cowles John Scott sen. Francis M. Higbee, D D. Foster [Robert D. Foster] and Robert Piece [Peirce]. were appointed a committe[e] to visit the diff[er]ent famili[e]s of the city & see who would joinn the new chu[r]ch— (IE) Wm Law was it was decided that Joseph was fallen— prophet. &c— & Wm Law was appointed in his place. Austin— Cowls & Wilson Law Counillors [counselors]— R. D Foster & F M. Higbee to the 12 apostles.— &c as report Says— El[der]— James— Blakely [Blakeslee] preahd [preached] up Joseph in the A.M. & P M. joind th[e] anties.—— Chas Ivins Bishop—

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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