Joseph writes to Thomas Ford expressing his willingness to stand trial in Carthage, so long as Ford will assure physical safety and impartiality in the trial.
"Letter to Thomas Ford, 23 June 1844," p. [1], The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed December 13, 2022
Bank of the River Missisippi
Sunday June 23d 1844. 2 P.M.
His Excellency
Thomas Ford
Sir: I wrote you a long communication at 12 last night, expressive of my vi[e]ws of your Ex-cellency’s communication of yesterday. I thought your Letter rather severe, but, one of my friends has just come to me with an explanation of from the captiain of your possie which softened the subject matter of your communication, And gives me us greater assurance of protection, and that your Excellency has succeeded in bringing in subjection the spirits, which surround your Excellncy, to some extent. And I declare again the only obj[e]ction I ever had or ever made to trial by my country at any time was what I have made in my last letter— on account of, assassins. <&> reason I have to fear deathly consequnces from your hand <their hands.> But from the Explanation I now offer to come to you at Carthage on the morrow. as early as shall be conv[en]ient for your possie to escirt me <us> in to Head Quarters, provided I <we> can have a fair trial. <which we> not be abused, nor have my witneses abused. and have all things done in due form of law. witho[u]t Partiality, and you may depend on my honour without the show of a great armed force to produce excitemnt in the minds of the timid.
<We> I will meet your possie <if this letter is satisfactory, if not inform me,> at or near the Mound at or about two oclock tomorrow afternoon, which will be as soon as we can get our witnesses & prepare for trial. We shall expect the <to> take our witnesses with us and not have to wait a subpoena, or a part at least. so as not <to> detain the procedings. although I <we> may want time for coun[s]el.—
<We remain Most Repectfuly
Your Excellency’s Humble Servts
Joseph Smith
Hyrum Smith.>