Ross Hassig labels a club with obsidian blades as a "short sword"; also notes that human sacrifice was practiced in Mesoamerica.

Ross Hassig

Ross Hassig, War and Society in Ancient Mesoamerica (Berkley: University of California Press, 1992), 112

University of California Press
Ross Hassig
Reading Public

Much of Tollan’s prominence was the result of warfare, for which there is amble evidence in the city. In addition to the giant stone warriors, there was a skullrack at the site, as well as freestanding sculptures of reclining figures known as chac mools, thought to be receptacles for hearts from human sacrifices. Human bone fragments are also common in the archaeological ruins, suggesting human sacrifice and cannibalism, and death and sacrificial depictions adorn the city.

Known mainly from stone carvings and ceramics, Toltec arms included atlatls and darts, knives, and a curved club that I have labelled a short sword. Toltec warriors also carried round shields and used body armor. Atlatls provided primary projectile fire in Toltec armies, although slings may well have been used for greater distance. Earlier in central Mexico, thrusting spears were used with more protective, though less mobile, rectangular shields. However, the round, fringed shields introduced by the Olmeca-Xicalancas was widely adopted in central Mexico: supported by an arm strap, it freed both hands and deemphasized spears, for atlatlists were now more mobile than ever. However, once opposing armies closed with each other, atlatlists were at a real disadvantage and the use of some shock weapon was essential. This need was met by the short sword, whose longer cutting surface and lighter weight greatly added to the offensive capability of Toltec atlatlists. The short sword was the major Toltec innovation in arms. Unlike swords developed in metalworking cultures, the short sword was not merely an extension of knife construction to increasingly larger working cultures, though its conceptual foundations were present in other arms. The practice of setting small lades into wooden handles had been developed in the Maya lowlands during the Late Classic and spread into central Mexico with the Olmeca-Xicalancas. The Toltec contribution was to use this technique to make longer cutting surfaces on a light one-handed weapon, which was probably a modification based on unbladed curved clubs brought form the another. Approximately 50 cm long, these curved clubs were inlaid with blades, most likely obsidian.

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