William Henry Holmes discusses wheeled figurines from the New World; uses the term "chariot" to describe them.

William Henry Holmes

William Henry Holmes, Handbook of Aboriginal American Antiquities, Part 1: Introductory, the Lithic Industries (Washington Government Printing Office, 1919), 20

Government Printing Office
William Henry Holmes
Reading Public

The aborigines were without Old World beasts of burden, wheeled vehicles, and sail-rigged craft essentials of the civilized state; they had no cattle, sheep, or goats potent factors in the development of Old World sedentary life; they had little knowledge of iron or the smelting of ores essentials in the development of civilization; no keystone arch a principal requirement of successful building; no wheel or glaze in the potter's art ; no well- developed phonetic alphabet the stepping stone from barbarism to civilization. Cattle, a civilizing agency of much importance in the Old World, could not have survived a long voyage, and the calendar, a device of the priestcraft, might not readily be transferred from shore to shore by occasional or chance wayfarers, but it would appear that the wheel as a means of transportation might readily appeal to the most primitive mind. That no extended contact with the civilized peoples of the Old World occurred in pre-Columbian times is strongly suggested by the fact that this device was unknown in America, except possibly as a toy. It appears in no pictographic manuscript or sculpture, the highest graphic achievements of the race. Charnay obtained from an ancient cemetery at Tenenepanco, Mexico, a number of toy chariots of terra cotta, presumably buried with the body of a child, some of which retained their wheels (fig. 7). The possibility that these toys are of post-Discovery manufacture must be taken into account, especially since mention is made of the discovery of brass bells in the same cemetery with the toys.

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