Deseret News provides summary of court case A. B. Miller v. Thomas S. Williams over the ownership of two slaves.
"Third District Judicial Court," Deseret News, August 10, 1859, accessed November 13, 2023
Charles M. Smith, Esq., filed a petition asking for a writ of replevin to recover two negro women from Mr. T. S. Williams, which he claimed was the property of A. B. Miller.
Mr. Williams proposed to join issue and try the right of property.
Mr. Smith Said he knew nothing of such a trial until after the considera[t]ion of his motion.
Mr. Williams proposed to give bonds and retain the property.
Court adjourned till to-morrow at 11 a.m.
Mr. Williams filed his bonds to retain the possession of the negroes replevined by Mr. A. B. Miller.