Probate registration of Daniel Camp by Williams Camp.
Williams Camp, Registration for Daniel, July 10, 1856, "Utah, State Archives Records, 1848-2001," Salt Lake > Court records 1856 > image 703 of 1228; State Archives, Salt Lake City
Utah Territory
Salt Lake County
Personally appeared before me, W. I. Appleby, Clerk of the supreme court of the United States of America, for the Territory of Utah, Williams Camp, who being duly sworn ^according to law, deposeth and sayeth, that a certain Negroe boy named Daniel, was born a slave for life, in his house, the 14th day of October 1833, in the state of Tennessee, Weakly County; and the said deponent has owned the said Negroe, Daniel, since his birth up to the present time. Said deponent brought the said Negroe boy, Daniel, in to the Territory of Utah, a slave for life, in the year 1850. Now this deponent makes this Affidavit in order that the said Negroe boy, Daniel, may be registered a slave for life in the Probate Court ^of Great Salt Lake County of said Territory according to the statutes of the said Territory of Utah
Wms. Camp
Subscribed and sworn to before me at Great Salt Lake City Utah Territory this 10th day of July AD 1856
W I Appleby Clerk
T Curtis N Bolton