Jacob Hamblin records instances of Native American slavery.
Jacob Hamblin, "Journals and letters of Jacob Hamblin," MS 1951, Jacob Hamblin Papers, Church History Library
the(y) Staid with the Piedes 8 or 10 Days bought 3 girls of the Tonequints he gave one horse .2 guns .2 afthem (sic) they the Toneyquints bought of a more distant Trybe the Indian that got them for (p. 32) Sandpich gave one gun for the two he Sold them to Sanpich gave 2 two gun a quantity of beed the Indian Said the Girls Father and Mother criyd to See them go but they had nothing to eat and it would be beter for the children than to Stay and Starve. I Saw the teers fall first from the eyes of the of oldes Girls one of the three a girl a bout 10 or 12 years old. I felt hart sick to See them dragd from thare homes to become Slaves to the La Gentiles I saw the necesity of the Elders doing ^all^ they could to to amelyerate (sic) the condicion of this miserable people.
I. visited all the Piedes Camp and inquird for hur they Said they knew nothing of hur. I then told the Chief (p. 35) I wanted him to tell me whare S She was and not ly lie he then Said the Piedes had Sold hur hur to the Eutahs unbenone to Waler and they had taken hur away.
I visited 8 0r 10 lodges the Chief of this Small band had be forst to Sell ths his onley Daughter a few Days before by the Eutahs when I entered his lodge he gave me his hand and Said I no talk. I am Sick and Sore one of my Daughters Died last Summer. I had to Sell the other to the Eutahs to keep them from fighting us. I told him. I. Would buy hur hur of the Eutahs if .I. would by hur and bring hur to the Toneyquint the(y) would be very glad to See hur once more...
I we tol them they must not Sell there Childrin to the Eutahs unles they wanted to. november 14th Amon and others Eutahs arived to buy childrin the Lamanits caled a council. I was invited in a Amon wnated the Piutes to go and bring in childrin and he would buy them of them they refused and Said I had told them not to Sell their childrin he he (sic) asked me if I hd told them that this plased me in a peculier fix I then told thim I had if they did not want to Sell their childrin