Edwin D. Woolley charges Williams Camp with kidnapping Dan (an African American).
Affidavit of Edwin D. Woolley, The People vs Williams Camp and others, June 16, 1856, Series 373, Reel 5, Box 4, Folder 21, familysearch.org
Territory of Utah,
Great Salt Lake City,
Great Salt Lake County
Office of the Probate Judge
In and for Great Salt Lake County, Utah Territory,
June 16th , A.D. 1856
Personally appeared before me Elias Smith, Probate Judge in and for Great Salt Lake County,
Utah Territory, on this the 16th day of June A.D. 1856, Edwin D. Woolley who being duly sworn
deposeth and saith, the aggrieved negro named Dan, lately in the service of Williams Camp, that
according to the best of his knowledge and belief the said Williams Camp and his associates,
whose names are unknown, did, on the day and date aforesaid, in the county and territory
aforesaid, kidnap the said negro Dan, with the view, according to the best of the deponent’s
belief, to transport the said Dan against his will beyond the boundaries of the Territory aforesaid,
contrary to the statutes of said Territory in such cases made and provided, and deponent asketh
that a writ be forthwith issued for the arrest of the said Williams Camp and his associates, and
that the said Williams Camp and his associates be retained until lawful action can be had in the
Edwin D. Woolley
Sworn and subscribed to before me this 16th day of June 1856
E Smith
Probate Judge