Brigham includes "n---er stealing" among the "treasonous" actions of which other Americans could be accused.
Brigham Young, "Approval of the Proceedings of the Delegation to Congress—Condition of the People of the World, Etc.," Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: Asa Calkin, 1858), 5:127
Brother Taylor says that language cannot express the conduct, the feelings, and the spirit that are upon the people in the States. Well, suppose you take up a labor and swear about them, what are the worst words that can be spoken? ‘Nigger stealing,’ Mobs or Vigilance Committees, and Rotten-hearted Administrators of a Government are three of the meanest and wickedest words that can be spoken. I expect that somebody will write that back to the States, as being treasonable, because spoken by a Latter-day Saint.