Brigham Young advises the residents of Iron County to buy and raise Indian children.
"12 May 1851," Historical Department journal history of the Church, CR 100 137, Church History Department
12 May 1851
Monday, May 12. The weather was clear and bright in G. S. L. City in the forenoon, but in the afternoon it was windy and rainy.
Pres. Brigham Young and others of his party rode out in carriages from the fort on Center creek, Iron county to view the farming land, of which 1031 acres had already been planted with small grain and garden vegetables. At 5 o'clock p.m. a meeting was held in the Bowery, at which Pres. Young preached to the people on the nature and importance of the Iron county mission, and the advantages of the brethren fulfilling it. He advised them to buy up the Lamanite children as fast as they could and educate them and teach them the Gospel, so that not many generations would pass ere they would become a white and delightsome people. He remarked that the Lord could not have devised a better plan, than to have put the Saints where they were, in order to accomplish the redemption of the Lamanites. He knew that the Indians would dwindle away, but a remnant of the seed of Joseph should be saved. The President also advised the brethren to put up the logs or pickets of the forts so close that the Indians could not sho^ot arrows through the openings. He recommended the adoption of the Indian name Parowan for the city.