Probate registry for Jerry, Caroline, and Tampian by Duritha Lewis.
Williams Camp, Registration for Daniel, July 10, 1856, "Utah, State Archives Records, 1848-2001," Salt Lake > Court records 1857-1858> image 715 of 1253; State Archives, Salt Lake City
Territory of Utah
Great Salt Lake county
Personally appeared be <me> James W Cummings clerk of the third Judicial District Court for said Territory, Duritha Lewis who being duly sworn states on oath that she is the ture and Lawful owner of three persons of Affrican blood, whose names and ages are <as> follows to wit Jerry, Caroline, & Tampian, aged 38, 18, and 14. That she the said Duritha Lewis inherited them from her father Soloman Trail according to the Laws of the state of Kentucky. That by virtue of such inheritance she is entitled to the services of the said Jerry, Caroline, and Tampian during their lives according <to> the Laws of the said Territory and further saith not. that she makes for this affidavit that they may be registered as Slaves according to the requirements of the Law of Said Territory for life
Duritha Lewis
Sworn and subscirbed to before
me this 4th day of Au. AD 1858
J. W. Cummings Clerk U.S. 3rd
Dist Court Utah Territory
p John G. Lynch Depy