Evening and Morning Star reports policy of not admitting Black people to the state or Church.
The Evening and Morning Star—Extra, July 16, 1833
Having learned with extreme regret, that an article entitled “Free People of Color,” in the last number of the Star, has been misunderstood, we feel in duty bound to state, in this Extra, that our intention was not only to stop free people of color from emigrating to this state, but to prevent them from being admitted as members of the Church. On the second column of the 111th page (Second Edition, reprinted at Kirtland) of the same paper, may be found this. paragraph: “Our Brethren will find an extract of the law of this state, relative to free people of Color, on another page of this paper. Great care should be taken on this point. The saints must shun every appearance of evil. As to slaves we have nothing to say. In connexion with the wonderful events of this age, much is doing towards abolishing slavery, and colonizing the blacks in Africa.
We often lament the situation of our sister States in the south, and we fear, lest, as has been the case, the blacks should rise and spill innocent blood; for they are ignorant, and a little may lead them to disturb the peace of Society. To be short, we are opposed to have free people of color admitted into this state; and we say, that none will be admitted into the church for we are determined to obey the laws and constitutions of our country, that we may have that protection which the sons of liberty inherit from the legacy of Washington. through the favorable auspices of a Jefferson, and Jackson.