Hosea Stout describes a court case about slavery.
Hosea Stout, Journal, June 18, 1856, On the Mormon Frontier: The Diary of Hosea Stout 1844-1861, ed. Juanita Brooks, 2 vols. (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press) 2:597
Wednesday 18 June 1856. Law Suit before probate on an examination People vs William Camp et al. for kidnapping a Negro Dan. The case commenced Monday evening and lasted yesterday & to day till noon
It appears that Camp was the owner of Dan who had ran away and C. had went with three others to bring him back. The court acquitted them Carrington att Genl for the people & Mr. T. S. Williams & self for defts
There was a great excitement on on the occasion The question naturally involving more or Less the Slavery question and I was surprised to see those latent feeling aroused in our midst which are making so much disturbance in the states.