Brigham Young tells William Crosby that he does not support slave trading in Utah and comments on Green Flake.
Brigham Young, Letter to William Crosby, March 12, 1851, Brigham Young Office Files, CR 1234 1, Church History Library
Bro Crosby
I have just received your letter and say to you that it would not be wisdom to part Man and Wife and inasmuch as Green abuses Sister Flake how would it do for Bro. Lay to take Green and leave Hark perhaps Bro. Bankhead would do something for Sister Flake in consideration thereof. . . we do not wish to encourage the sale of Blacks in these vallies [sic]. . . Sister Flake might need some essistence [sic] perhaps that an exchange might be made. . . there is lidle [sic] doubt but they will all go free as soon as they shall arrive in California. I therefore would not advise you to be very strenuous to take them or many of them to that country.
Your affectionate brother
Brigham Young