William Crosby summarizes the Green Flake episode.
William Crosby, Letter to Brigham Young, ca. early 1851, Brigham Young Office Files
Brother Brigham Young by request of William Lay I write you these lines to inform you that nothing but the cash can git harks wife and Lay, has not got it and his Black man wants to go with him and he wants you to send him word by the Boy what he shall do if his boy is to go and if not the result of the matter Hark is a good boy, and will do right I Believe.
I will speak of Green the Boy that come with hark to see you he is a mean dirty [illeg] lying disafected saucy to Brother Flakes wife Disobedient I think that if you had him as you have Isaac that you see the 2 Extreams he supposes that if he was free that he would never have to do any thing on earth again and he would leave his Black wife and git him a white woman and insult every person he met that did not please him and I think from what I no [sic] of him he have a man take him that would treat him right and make him work and behave him self one word from you will settle the whole matter this only my judgement my health is improving fast.
I am your Dear Brother and Never Deviating Friend William Crosby