Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia biography of Green Flake.
Entry for Green Flake in Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia: a compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, M270 J54b v. 1-4, Church History Library
Flake, Green, one of the three negro servants who belonged to the original company of Utah pioneers, was born as a slave in January, 1828, in Anson County, North Carolina, on the plantation of Bro. James Flake's father and spent all his early life in that family. He came with that family to Nauvoo, and thence journeyed west during the exodus from Nauvoo. He was baptized in 1844 by John Brown and given to Pres. Brigham Young by Bro. James Flake. After his arrival in Great Salt Lake Valley, Green Flake resided for some years in Union. Later he moved to Idaho Falls, where he died Oct. 20, 1903.