The Deseret News announces Green Flake's death in 1903.
"Green Lake Passes Away," Deseret Evening News, October 22, 1903, 1
Pioneer Colored Man Dies at the home of his son in Idaho Falls.
With Prophet Joseph Smith.
Deceased was a member of that historic household back in Nauvoo where he joined the Church.
Green Flake, well known as a Pioneer of 1847, died Tuesday, 'Oct. 20, at the home of his son Abraham in Idaho Falls. The deceased was one of the few colored men who accepted the faith of the Latter-day Saints in early days and who joined the Pioneer band in its pilgrimage to the barren west. Mr. Flake first entered the Salt Lake valley, July 21, 1847, and resided here until six years ago when he went to live with his son Abraham in Idaho. He was 76 years of age and a native of North Carolina. His wife died 19 years ago and the body of her companion in life has been brought to this city where it will be laid beside her in the city cemetery. Father Flake leaves a son and a daughter, the latter Mrs. Lucinda Stephens, who is now a resident of Teton Basin, Idaho. The deceased was a faithful Latter-day Saint and to his dying day bore testimony of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith with whose family he lived for a number of years prior to the Prophet's assassination. The time and place of the funeral have not yet been arranged.