John Taylor leaves the question of liberation of Black people due to a "higher law" to other parties.
John Taylor, "Different Ideas of Nations in Regard to Government—Views of the Latter-Day Saints: Their Philanthropy—Reformation Effected By Them—Liberty of Conscience Allowed to All," Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: B. Young, 1867), 11:52
There is a theory which has prevailed to a great extent in the United States lately, among what is called the dominant party of the present day, which is denominated the “higher law.” Whether they understand anything about that higher law or not I am not prepared to say; but there is a law that we are placed under that is really and emphatically a higher law. The higher law, of which those parties speak, refers particularly to the liberation of the negro, wherein they conceive that that is paramount to everything else, and that to it all barriers and obstacles, whether of constitution or law, shall give way; but that is a question which I shall not discuss here this afternoon, but leave it to other parties.