In a history of Indiana, John B. Dillon lists Indiana Territory slave laws.
John B. Dillon, "Appendix G: Laws of The Indiana Territory Concerning Slaves and Negro or Mulatto Servants," A History of Indiana from its earliest exploration by Europeans to the close of the territorial government in 1816 (Indianapolis: Bingham & Doughty, 1859), 619-623, September 17, 1807
An act concerning the introduction of negroes and mulattoes into this Territory.
Section I. It shall and may be lawful for any person being the owner or possessor of any negroes or mulattoes of and above the age of fifteen years, and owing service or labor as slave in any of the states or territories of the United States, or for any citizen of said states or territories purchasing the same, to bring the said negroes or mulattoes in to this territory.
Section 2. The owner or possessor of any negroes or mulattoes as aforesaid, and bringing the same into this territory, shall within thirty days after such removal, go with the same before the clerk of the court of common pleas of the proper county, and in the presence of the said clerk, the said owner or possessor shall determine and agree to and with his or her negro or mulatto upon the term of years which the said negro or mulatto will and shall serve his or her said owner or possessor, and the said clerk is hereby authorized and required to make a record thereof in a book which he shall keep for that purpose.
Section 3. If any negro or mulatto removed into this territory as aforesaid, shall refuse to serve his or her owner as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for such person, within sixty days thereafter to remove the said negro or mulatto to any place, which by the laws of the United States or territory, from when such owner or possessor may or shall by authorized to remove the same.
Section 4. If any person shall neglect or refuse to perform the duty required in the second, or to take advantage of the benefit of the preceding section hereof within the time therein respectively prescribed, such person or persons shall forfeit all claim and right whatever, to the service and labor of such negroes or mulattoes.
Section 5. Any person removing into this territory, and being the owner or possessor of any negro or mulatto as aforesaid under the age of fifteen years, or if any person shall hereafter acquire a property in any negro or mulatto under the age aforesaid, and sho shall bring them into this territory, it shall and may be lawful for such person, owner or possessor, to hold the said negro or mulatto to service or labor, the male until they arrive at the age of thirty-five, and the female until they arrive at the age of thirty-two years.