Probate registration for Shepherd by Diannah Camp.
Diannah Camp, Registration for Daniel, July 10, 1856, "Utah, State Archives Records, 1848-2001," Salt Lake > Court records 1856 > image 695 of 1228; State Archives, Salt Lake City
Territory of Utah
Country of Great Salt Lake
Personally appeared before me- W. I. Appleby clerk of the first Juditial district court of the United States for the Terytory of Utah Dianah Camp who being first duly sworn according to law deposeth and saith that a certain negro boy named Shepherd was bornd in the year 1837 in the State of Tennessee-Henry County that the said negro boy Shepherd was bornd a slave then belonging to my Father one James Greer Resident of the afore said county of Henry in the State of Tennessee that the said James Greer died in the year 1851 in the State of arkansas Previous to his death the said Greer made a will that after his debts were canciled all of his property Remaining should be Equally dvided among his children fourteen in number, that according to the said will of the deceased the wife and consort of Williams Camp was one of the heirs of the afore said deceased Greer did Receive the said negro boy named Shepherd as aafore said in the month of January 1853 in the State of Mississippi county of Marshal of the administrator of the estate of the afore said deceased Greer and deponent furhter says that since the month of January 1853 the said negro boy named Shepherd was afore said has belonged to Williams Camp Husband of the afore said Dianaah Camp and that the afore said Williams Camp is Justly Entitled to the labor of the afore said negro boy named Shepherd through life and further that the said Camp is a Resident of the County and Terrytory afore said and that the afore said negro boy was brought by him to the Terrytory afore said a slave for life in the year 1854 the said deponent makes this declaration in order that the said negro boy may be Registered as a slave in the court of Probates as is made and provided for by the statutes of the Territory afore said
Diannah Camp
Subscribed and sworn to before me this third day of July AD 1856
W I Appleby Clerk
per Curtis E Bolton