Alabama act prohibits slaves from traveling independently of their masters.
"An Act to prevent slaves from going at large, and hiring their own time, etc.," Alabama - General Assembly, 1st Biennial Session, 107
[No. 46.] AN ACT
To prevent slaves from going at large, and hiring their own time,&c.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate 'and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly convened, That if any master, owner, overseer or other person having the management and control of any slave shall permit such slave to go at large, or shall permit such slave to hire, of such owner, or other person having the management thereof, his, her or their time: or if any such person shall permit such slave to hire his, her or their time or services, to any other person, all persons so offending may be indicted for a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, he fined in a sum not l[e]ss than five, or more than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the jury trying the same: Provided, that the proper authorities of any corporate city or town, in this State, may grant license or permission to owners of slaves to allow their slaves to work out and hire their time by day.
Approved, March 6, 1848.