Sanpete County records include transcription of the indenture of a Native American boy.
"John Beal, Indenture of Samuel," Inventory of the County Archives of Utah: No. 20 Sanpete County (Salt Lake City: Utah Historical Records Survey, Works Project Administration, 1941), 14
This Indenture made this first day of February the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine, between H. J. Christensen, C. G. Edwards and T. S. Allred, Selectmen for the County of Sanpete, Utah Territory of the first part and John Beal of the second part; Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part have places and bound out and by virtue of an "Act of the Territory entitled "An act for the relief (sic) of Indians Slaves and Prisoners" (sic) do hereby with the consent o Gardner Snow Judge of the Court of Probate of said County, place and bind out Samule, an Indian boy aged nine or ten years, born in the Territory of Utah, son of (not known) of the Piede Tribe of Indians, obtained fro Arapeen as an apprentice to the parties of second part, to be taught the trade of farming to live with and serve him, for the term of ten years as an apprentice from the date thereof that is to say until said apprentice shall be of the age of twenty years which the said parties of the firt part are informed and believe will be in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, and the said parties of the first part do by these presents give unto the second part all authority, power and right to and over the said Samuel and his service during said term which by the law of this territory of a Master hath to and over a lawful indentured apprentice; and the said party of the second part in consideration thereof doth promise, covenant (sic) and agree to and with the said parties of the first part and each of them their and each of their successors for the time being and with the said Samuel each by themselves respectively to teach and instruct the said Samuel as an apprentice or otherwise cause him to be well and sufficiently instructed and taught the trade of farming after the best way and manner that he can; and instruct said apprintice (sic) by sending him to school three months in the year of each year while said apprentice is between the age of seven and sixteen; and also to train him to the habits of obedience, industry and morality and allow him meat, drink, washing, lodging and apparel for winter and summer and all other necessaries proper for such an apprentice during the term aforesaid and at the expiration of said term will give unto the said apprentice a New Bible, Book of Mormon and two new suits of clothing, suitable to his condition ----- In Witness Whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
George Peacock
James Wareham
C G. Edwards (S L)
James T. S. Allred (S.L.)
Herman J. Christensen (S.L.)
John Beal