Brigham explains why he disapproves of American slavery but says life is better for them than others in Europe.
Brigham Young, Speech, January 23, 1852, Historian's Office reports of speeches, 1845-1885 / Brigham Young, 1852 January 23, CR 100 317, 3/5, Church History Library
they cannot bear rule in any place until the curse is removed from them, they are a servant of servants; we are servants as Bro. counselor Gro. Smith has stated, he says he is a slave ^he has been driven from his home, and his rights, we are all slaves servants; now suppose that we should have a servant, and he should be a negro, it is all right it is perfectly reasonable, and strik^tly according to the Holy priesthood. I loathe the abuses that are heaped -to which the slave in a great many instances is exposed, although as a general thing that part of the negro race that are in servile bondage, are much more comfortable, and better provided for than thousands the lower classes of the nations of Europe.