RM recalls JS remarks about Z, including arrow in ribs, white Lamanite, and "Omandagus."
Reuben McBride, reminiscence, June 3, 1834, MS 8197, Church History Library
Tuesday 3 [June 1834] visited the mounds. A skeleton was dug up [by] Joseph, said his name was Zelph a great warrior under the Prophet Omandagus. An arrow was found in his Ribs—[page break; top of next page begins with different, lighter ink, indicated here by italic; it is partly illegible, but appears to read:] His name was Zelph a warior under the Prophet Omandagus Zelph a white Laman[i]te
Crossed the Missipi River on the 4[th of June] 2 days in Crossing
June 6 resumed our jorney [illegible] at Salt River Staid 12 days
From Salt River to Richmond Ray County [illegible] that [illegible] the [illegible]
[June] 19 on fishing River
[June] 20 went 5 miles meeting held counsel
June 24 Colera [illegible]
[June] 23 arived at Rush Creek
Rush Creek Mo Clay Co
Choler [June 24]
— which he said he suposed ocaisoned his death Said he was killed in battle. Said he was a man of God and the curse was taken off or in part he was a white Lamanite WAS KNOWN FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS [bold type indicates words added interlinearly].
June, the 4 came to the Missipi River were 2 days in Crossing being very high one mile wide
On the 7th arived at Salt River. Staid their 12 days to recrute and reorganise. Some came from Michigan and joined the company.
The transcript and dating for this record is found in Kenneth W. Godfrey, "The Zelph Story," Brigham Young University Studies 29, no. 2 (1989): 31-56, https://byustudies.byu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/29.2Godfrey-003b0b7d-bf77-4d7e-ae80-8290e6730b87.pdf.