Susan and Harvey Black discuss how Able participated in baptisms for the dead in Nauvoo.
Susan Easton Black and Harvey Bischoff Black. Annotated Record of Baptisms for the Dead, 1840–1845, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, 7 vols. (Provo, UT: The Center for Family History and Genealogy, Brigham Young University, 2002), 1:9–10
Deceased: Ira Corey
Gender: Male
Surname: Corey
Given name: Ira
Birth date: 5 June 1791
Birth place: Providence, Montgomery, Pennsylvania
Father: Corey, John
Mother: Howe, Phoebe
Spouse: Atherton, Maria
Marriage date: about 1814
Marriage place: Pennsylvania
Death date: 18 February 1816
Death place: Pennsylvania
Proxy's relationship to deceased:
Stephen Abbott was the Half-Brother of Ira Corey.
Date of proxy baptism:
Source: Nauvoo Baptismal Records of the Dead, Book A211; FamilySearch, Ancestral File.
Proxy: Elijah Abel
Gender: Male
Surname: Abel (Abels, Able)
Given name: Elijah
Middle name: Horsford (Hosford)
Birth date: 25 July 1810
Birth date variation: 19 July 1815
Birth place: Norwich (Bozrah), New London, Connecticut
Birth place variation: Frederick, Frederick. Maryland
Father: Abel, Elijah
Mother: Horsford (Hosford), Mindwell
Spouse: Stark, Mary
Marriage date: 15 November 1865
Marriage place: of Bozrah, New London, Connecticut
Death date: 25 December 1884
Death date variation: 22 January 1882
Death place: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah
Comments: Elijah became an elder in June 1836. He was an Afro-American.
Source: Nauvoo Baptismal Records of the Dead; FamilySearch, International Geneaological Index; Black, Membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter0day Saints: 1830-1848, 1:56-58; Jenson, LDS Biographical Encyclopedia, 3:577; Carter, Our Pioneer Heritage, 8:511-12.
Deceased: Delila Able
Gender: Female
Surname: Able
Given name: Delila
Proxy’s relationship to deceased:
Eljah Abel was the son of Della Able
Date of proxy baptism:1840
Source: Nauvoo Baptismal Records of the Dead, Book A1, A5
Deceased: John F. Lancaster
Gender: Male
Surname: Lancaster
Given name: John
Middle name: F.
Proxy’s relationship to deceased:
Elijah Abel was the Friend of John F. Lancaster
Date of proxy baptism:1841
Source: Nauvoo Baptismal Records of the Dead, Book A100.