Parley P. Pratt abstained from sustaining William Smith as an apostle and patriarch.
"Conference Minutes," Times and Seasons volume 6, November 1, 1845
It was next moved, that William Smith be continued and sustained as one of the Twelve Apostles; seconded. Whereupon Elder Pratt arose and said, I have an objection to Brother William continuing in that office. I feel, as an individual, that I cannot, conscientiously, uphold and sustain Brother William as one of the Twelve Apostles, until he thinks different from what he does now. I have many reasons for this, but I will merely mention one or two, which must suffice for the present. In the first place, I have proof positive that he is an aspiring man; that he aspires to uproot and undermine the legal Presidency of the church, that he many occupy the place himself. This he has avowed openly in the east, which I can prove by good and substantial witnesses. In the second place, while Brother William was in the east, to my certain knowledge, his doctrine and conduct have not had a savor influence; but have produced death and destruction where he went. This also I am well prepared to prove. I have been waiting in all long suffering, for an alteration in Brother William's course, but up to the present time, I have been disappointed. For these two reasons, I would plead for one, that we no longer sustain him in his office, all a proper investigation can be had, and he make satisfaction. I do this individually; I leave others to do as they please. The motion being seconded, a vote was then taken to sustain him, but was lost unanimously.