Thomas C. Sharp, editor of the Warsaw Signal, gives notice that he plans to publish a proclamation by William Smith.
Thomas C. Sharp and Galloway, "A Proclamation," Warsaw Signal, Warsaw Illinois 2, no. 31 (October 22, 1845): 3, 071.73 W285s 1840-1853, Church History Library
We have received an extraordinary document, entitled a 'Proclamation,' signed by William Smith, Patriarch, and one of the Twelve. The object which Smith appears to have in view, is to expose the conduct of the present corrupt leaders of the Church; and to put them down, and build up himself. He speaks of Brigham Young as a tyrant, unsurpassed by any that has existed since the days of Nero -- complains bitterly of the treatment which he and the Smith family generally, have received from his hands, and denounces him as an usurper.
In this document, Smith repudiates the Spritual Wife Doctrine, and accuses Young, Taylor, and Heber C. Kimball, of introducing this doctrine and its corrupt practices, into the Church. He urges his opposition to this doctrine as one of the reasons for the enmity of Young and his associates against him.
He intimates that Young was concerned in the murder of Irvine Hodges, and that the two Hodges who were hung in Burlington, were no more guilty than the heads of the Mormon Church, who had them given up to save themselves.
Altogether, this expose of Smith's is full of interest, and rich in developments, -- which all tend to confirm the accusations repeatedly brought against the Mormons by their neighbors.
As we propose next week to give it in full to our readers, a more extended notice is at present unnecessary.