Jane Manning James writes to Joseph F. Smith about receiving the endowment, about adoption, and about being sealed to Walker Lewis.
Jane Manning James, Letter to Joseph F. Smith, February 7, 1890, Joseph F. Smith Papers, MS 1325, CHL
Dear Brother—Please excuse me taking the Liberty of Writing to you—but be a Brother—I am anxious for my Welfare for the future--and has [sic] I hope to be one Bye and Bye, bearing the same name has yourself--I was requested to write to you—Hoping you will please show kindness to me—by answering my questions—Thereby satisfying my mind--First Has [sic] Brother James has Left me 21 years—And a Coloured Brother, Brother Lewis wished me to be sealed to Him, He has been dead 35 or 36 years—Can I be sealed to him—Parley P. Pratt ordained HIm an Elder. When or (how?) can I ever be sealed to him.—Second,—Can I obtain my endowments for my Dead. Also I had the privilege of being baptized for My Dead, in October Last.—Third, Can I also be adopted in Brother Joseph Smiths the prophet['s] family, I think you are somewhat Acquainted with me—I lived in the prophets family With Emma and others, about a year—and Emma Said Joseph told her to tell me--I could be adopted in their family, she ask me if I should like to. I Did not understand the Law of adoption then—but Understanding it now. Can that be Accomplished and When--I have heard you attend to the prophets Business in those matters—And so have written to you for information Hoping soon to hear from you in these mattesr—I remain Your Sister in the Gospel Jane E James Elizabeth I Am Couloured