Thomas C. Jones records Samuel Chambers' testimony.
Salt Lake Stake Aaronic Priesthood minutes and records, 1857-1864, 1873-1877 / Volume 2, 1873-1877, 101–2, accessed January 20, 2022
Bro Chambers ^said there is a call for us all those of us who came here as well as those who were born here. We ahve met to exchange our views & ideas, aslo our everyday duties. I have a great relish for the work I am engaged in. I realize it is all in the gospel. I was not so well placed as these young brethren here, most of you were born in the church. I was born in a condition of slavery, an drecieved the gospel in that condition. I realized I had done right, I recieved the spirit of God. I was only between 12 & 13 years of age I was from 23 to 25 years I never heard another word of the gospel. After the war I was made free, then I went to work 4 years and made money and came out here It is not only to the Gentiles but also to the African, for I am of that race The knowledge I recieved is from my God It is a high and holy calling, without the testimony of God we are nothing I pray God that we may live true and faithful to the end, Amen.
Samuel D. Chambers had been appointed an "assistant deacon" on May 1, 1872.