Jane Manning James receives a patriarchal blessing from Hyrum Smith in 1844.
Quincy D. Newell, Your Sister in the Gospel: The Life of Jane Manning James, a Nineteenth-Century Black Mormon (New York City, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019), 140
A Patriarchal Blessing of Jane Manning Daughter of Isaac and Eliza Manning
Born in the Town of Brridgefield County of Fairfield State of Connecticut
May 11th 1818.
Behold I say unto you, Jane, if you will keep the commandments of god you shall be blessed Spiritualy and Temporaly, and shall have a place and a name in the midst of the people of zion, even a place and where to lay your Head. And you shall have food, and Raiment, and habitations to dwell in, and shall be blessed in your avocations, that is, in the labour of your hands. And you shall have a knowledge of the Mysteries as God shall reveal them, even the Mysteries of his Kingdom, manifested in his wisdom unto your capacity, according to your accessions in knowledge, in obedience to his requisitions, you having a promise through the Father of the New World coming down in the lineage of Cainaan the Son of Ham, which promise the fullness ther<e>of is not yet revealed. The same is sealed up with the sacred records hereafter to be revealed, now, therefore, I say unto you, Jane, it is through obedience to the Gospel that you are Blessed and it <is> through a continuation in obedience to the commandments of god even unto the end of your days, that you may be saved, shun the path of vice, turn away from wickedness be fervent unto prayer without ceasing; and your name shall be handed down to posterity, from generation to generation, therefore, let your Heart be comforted for he that changeth times and seasons and placed a mark upon your forehead, can take it off and stamp upon you his own Image, now, therefore, look and live; and remember the Redemption and the Resurrection of the just and it shall be well with you these Blessings and promises I seal upon your Head. Behold, I say unto you, Jane, if thou doest well thou shalt be accepted; if thou doest not well, Sin lieth at the Door, These Blessings and promises I seal upon your Head. Even so, Amen.
Given by Hyrum Smith Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ
March 6th 1844.