Lydia Alder records Jane Manning James's patriarchal blessing being read during a May 1894 Women's Meeting.
Lydia D. Alder, "Ladies' Semi-Monthly Meeting," Woman's Exponent 22, no. 18 (June 1, 1894): 141, M205.1 W872 v. 1-41 1872-1914, Church History Library
Ladies' semi-monthly meeting held in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Hall, May 19, 1894. Sister M. Isabella Horne presiding. …
By request President Horne granted permission for the patrichal blessing, given by the Patriarch Hyrum Smith to Sister Jane James, to be read in the meeting. The blessing was read by Sister Alder.
Sister Elmina Taylor said, it is comforting to know that he who doeth well shall be blessed.