Deseret News reports funeral of Jane Manning James.
"'Aunt Jane' Laid to Rest. President Joseph F. Smith Speaks at Funeral of Aged Colored Woman," Deseret News (Salt Lake City), April 21, 1908, 2, accessed January 21, 2022
President Joseph F. Smith Speaks at Funeral of Aged Colored Woman.
Mrs. Jane Manning James, the aged colored woman who died last week, was buried yesterday, the funeral services being held at the Eighth ward meeting house, commencing at 2 o'clock. The house was crowded, many in the congregation being of her own race. Flowers in profusion were contributed by friends who had learned to respect the deceased for her undaunted faith and goodness of heart.
A sketch of her life, as dictated by Mrs. James, was read by Mrs. Elizabeth J. D. Roundy, and the speakers were President Joseph F. Smith and Bishop T. A. Clawson. Bishop Oscar F. Hunter presided over the services, and music was furnished by the ward choir. The remains were laid to rest in the city cemetery.