Deseret Evening News obituary celebrates Jane Manning James for her faithfulness and friendships.
"Death of Jane Manning James," Deseret Evening News, April 16, 1908,: 1
Isaac Manning and Sister [photo caption]
Servant in family of Prophet Joseph Smith at Nauvoo Passes Away Today.
Jane Manning James, an aged colored woman familiarly known as "Aunt Jane," passed away about noon today at her late residence, 529 Second East street, after a lingering illness. She was in her ninety-fifth year, and up to a few months ago was comparatively hale and hearty. A severe fall caused a marked decline in her physical condition, and gradually she grew weaker until the end came.
The above is a reproduction of a photo of the deceased, taken with her brother, Isaac Manning, two years her junior. By the latter "Aunt Jane" was tenderly cared for during the last 15 years of her life, and especially during the months of her illness. Both were servants to the family of the Prophet Joseph Smith at Nauvoo, and each has remained loyal and true to his memory since his tragic death nearly 64 years ago. They were converted to Mormonism in the early "forties" in Connecticut. Few persons were more noted for faith and faithfulness than was Jane Manning James, and though of the humble of earth she numbered friends and acquaintances by the hundreds. Many persons will regret to learn that the kind and generous soul has passed from earth. Notice of funeral will appear later.