Salt Lake Telegram notes attendance of Jane Manning James and her brother Isaac at April 1905 General Conference.
"Remarkable Speech of President Smith and Vote of Dissent Excite Much Interest in Conference," Salt Lake Telegram, April 7, 1905, 1
Noticeable among the crowd in the auditorium were two colored persons—the only ones in the building. They were "Aunt Jane" Jackson and her aged brother. Both are bent with years, and their hair is white with the silver of great age. "Aunt Jane" was a servant for many years in the home of President Brigham Young. She and her brother are the only negroes who are members of the Mormon church, and they are faithful members. Never comes a conference nor a Sabbath day service in the Tabernacle but they occupy the seats well to the front and in the center of the building that have by long use and tradition have been religiously reserved for them.